005: Legalism and Marriage

Oct 4, 2023    James Rathmann

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1. How should we as believers advocate for faithfulness to God's law while avoiding legalism?

2. It seems like sometimes legalistic choices are made to make external distinctions suggesting that we are people who are set apart. Being set apart is a holy pursuit of course, but what does this look like, removed from legalism?

3. I want to understand what Jesus is talking about when he says we will be like the angels when he was questioned about marriage and the resurrection, especially in light of God baking the institution of marriage into creation?

4. I also want to understand the honor given to marriage in Genesis and how that relates to what Paul says about it being an advantage or a gift to be single?

5. I also want to understand if it's the moment of consummation of marriage that creates on flesh or if it's the moment of the ceremony?

6. Since Jesus and Paul cite different reasons for divorce (adultery and abandonment, respectively), is it safe to say that this list of two reasons can't be exhaustive?